The long-term target program "The Development of Intellectual Property in the Republic of Tatarstan during 2013 – 2020" was adopted on January 15, 2013 by the enactment of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan. This is the first target program in the field of intellectual property developed in Russia.
The purpose of the program is to obtain economic benefits from innovation and enhance the competitiveness of national producers on the domestic and international markets through the effective management of intellectual property.
The program is designed as a set of specific measures aimed at the creation of high-tech, innovative and competitive economy of Tatarstan, ensuring high quality of life in the region.
There are two stages of program implementation:
Stage I: Shaping the organizational and legal mechanism for the creation of intellectual property market (2013 – 2015, short term);
Stage II: Improving the efficiency of the intellectual property market (2016 – 2020, long term).
The key areas of implementation:
strategic analysis and planning of scientific and technological activities in the field of intellectual property;
staff training in the field of intellectual property;
effective legal protection and enforcement of intellectual property rights;
forming a control system for the creation and use of intellectual activity;
inventory making, assessment and identification of the results of intellectual activities, as well as the evaluation and adoption of intellectual activity as an intangible asset;
introduction of the system that register research and technical development projects; creation of a single register of intellectual activity in the Republic of Tatarstan;
interregional and international cooperation of the Republic of Tatarstan in the field of intellectual property;
territorial branding of the Republic of Tatarstan.